A fresh look on blogging

This is my first blog post using github pages. :fireworks: :clap: :clap: :clap: :poop:

To give some background, my previous blogposts have been hosted on Google’s blogger here. However, Blogger is incredibly sluggish when it came down to creating code blocks, math, or basically anything other than text. At least, this is what I keep telling myself to find an excuse why I haven’t written a blog post for the last year.

Since I have spent a non-trival amount of time getting this setup, I might as well explain how I got this setup. Turns out that Github pages is becoming a really slick interface, with an interface to Jekyll, it is now pretty easy to setup templates. The templates that I used come from Jekyll Now, which automates much of the process of setting up the proper tools. You could do everything from github repo if you really wanted to.

In addition, everything posted here is done using Markdown, which is totally amazing. So it is now really easy to type code blocks

>>> import numpy
>>> print(numpy.pi)

and we can even have math - I can use the syntax shown here and write down the Poisson density as follows

\[\begin{align*} p(y|\lambda) = \frac{\lambda^{y}\exp(-\lambda)}{y!} \end{align*}\]

But it requires setting up MathJax – see this blogpost for details.

And yes, that was a poop emoji used in the beginning - this blog can’t be complete without some mention of poop. Emoji’s were enabled with jemoji – see here

This going to be a lot of fun. Expect more material to come!

Written on April 9, 2019